Photo © Adam Kjærulff
It is hardly possible to present oneself in just a few lines - or by means of a photo such as the above. Of course some biographical data are always at hand to deal out, and they will appear a little further down the page. However, if I must say something about myself that enters my mind spontaneously, I am a storyteller. Probably some of you know the feeling that stories exist that literally beg to be told. It is this kind of story you will find in The Ringbearer´s Diary.
Another thing enters my mind: are stories real or are they just stories? Some stories demand to be perceived as being real when you write them down and this is the case of the present story. So, inevitably I needed quite a lot of courage, when the story wanted me to write it down in first person in the shape of recollections from earlier lifetimes. In fact, some of these lifetimes dealt with very, very famous persons – e.g. Shakespeare, Mozart and Wagner. But when a story demands your presence – and this is what it does if it is a serious story – then you cannot argue with it. So, if you are a responsible writer, you write it down.
Even unproblematic stories may assume the character of rambling fantasies. In this case we find ourselves before the "problem" that my story turns the world upside down (or, it turns it right again – according to how you see it). This may look like arrogance – unless you take the time to read the story – which is what I have been forced to do, gradually as I wrote it down. As it turned out, the account made so much sense that I found it irresponsible not to publish it (in spite of the risk that someone might think that it would probably be better not to (smile)).
So what I have written, I have written out of respect for the story itself. By the way I am very fond of expeditions into unknown or well-known territories. I have travelled in Lapland and in Himalaya, and I have sailed on peaceful Danish rivers as can be seen in the photo. With The Ringbearer´s Diary I have ventured into the consciousness´s magical and colourful world of thoughts, feelings, experiences and indescribably fantastic logic.
The human consciousness as well as world history and musical history have drawn their own maps for me, gradually as I wandered through the almost 35 years it has taken me to write the book. As for the rest, I am a nice family man who loves his home, good food and wonderful friends – and not least my wife, my children and my dogs.
Officially I was born in 1947 and I earned my upper secondary school leaving certificate from the music and languages line in 1966. Music has always played a huge part in my life, and there was music in the home of my childhood. Both my parents played the piano on an amateur level, and my father conducted an amateur chorus. I played the recorder myself and later the clarinet and the piano, and in 1972 I earned a diploma from The Royal Danish Music Conservatory with the clarinet as my main instrument and the piano as my second.
By the way I have played the bass drum and the cymbals in a military orchestra; I have served behind the counter in a classical music shop, written a lot of articles and concert programmes, as well as having been employed in the musical division of Danmarks Radio (The Danish Broadcasting Corporation) I have performed on the radio and around the country at various arrangements singing lyric poetry, and during the last almost 30 years I have lived from giving lectures on music, dreams and on the nooks and crannies of the human consciousness and its wonderful structure.
I am happy that I have written The Ringbearer´s Diary. It has been a privilege to be the one allowed to tell this story.
Peter Kjærulff, autumn 2015